We knew they would attack us, and that’s just what they did.
When a supermajority was cobbled together last April, lawmakers in Raleigh pushed through an onslaught of destructive legislation, from attacking trans children to enacting an abortion ban. They increased spending on vouchers, stealing even more money from our public schools to put into private hands. Decision after decision was made, all seemingly at the expense of working people like us.
But we knew they would do that. And we also know that their power– their cruelty– has an expiration date. Nov 5, 2024.
When Down Home was founded in 2017, we were seven years into living with a supermajority that had done deep damage to the state, both by refusing to pass Medicaid expansion and having enacted HB2 (the disastrous “bathroom bill” that was later repealed). Poor and working folks everywhere were hurting– still struggling to recover from the Recession, still trying to make ends meet.
But Down Home and our allies broke that supermajority in 2018. Then we defended against it in 2020 (electing the first Latino to the statehouse while we were at it) and broke it again in 2022, when Down Homies knocked over 28,000 in one district to elect a working-class Black nurse to represent them. Don’t ever, ever believe this work isn’t possible.

Above: Members in Johnston County meet in our Smithfield office.

Above: A member in Alamance County addresses the County Commission.
The reason it is possible is that poor and working people are the real majority in North Carolina. Most of us want good, well-funded public schools. Most of us want to have access to safe, affordable housing. Most of us want to protect our communities from climate disasters and want to hold big corporations accountable.
These are all things we can organize around, fight for, and demand in 2024.
We are well on our way there. Over a dozen Down Home members have already filed to run for office in 2024, campaigning for seats in local school boards, county commissions, and even the State House and Senate.
We have already started campaigning against the MAGA extremist Mark Robinson, showing up in force since the day he announced his run for Governor. We are building a huge network of Public School Strong teams, we have activated our Health Justice working group, and our members are researching IRA funds and other ways we can leverage government funding to protect our hometowns. Our co-governance working group is actively developing our 2024 platform and our chapters are preparing for endorsements.
In 2024, it will truly take all of us. Can you make a commitment to our work? A commitment to your hometown? We will be calling on you to become a member, to learn how to deep canvass, and to sharpen your skills doing one-on-ones. We will be asking you to show up to county commission and school board meetings, to research budgets, and to knock on doors.

Above: Members protest Mark Robinson
We will be reaching out further than we have ever reached before in North Carolina– our field program will extend to twenty counties, and our members will be significantly holding down their hometowns. We are going to fight like North Carolina is the battleground it is.

Become a member
Members help shape our work. Members vote on endorsements in their local chapter or at large across the state, help craft and vote on our political platform, and have access to training and leadership development programs at Down Home. Become a member here.

Become a deep canvass volunteer
Deep canvassing is central to our work. Our Deep Canvass team learns to have share stories, listen compassionately, and talk about difficult political subjects with people across divides. When you deep canvass with Down Home, you are trained, mentored, and support the entire time. Get involved by contacting Bonnie at [email protected]

Join a Public School Strong team
Small teams of parents, grandparents, and public education supporters are forming in counties all across the state. Get trained to be a Public School Strong organizer and join a team in your community or start one in your hometown! Find the next Public School Strong training here.

Donate to our work!
It takes all of us. Whether you live in a big city or a small town, your support helps us build the North Carolina we want and deserve. You can’t win North Carolina without rural!