Nick is joining our growing team as our Eastern Regional Organizer Based in Vance County, bringing a wealth of organizing experience with him. We’re so stoked to have Nick on board, ready to build multi-racial working-class power in Vance!
Welcome to Down Home, Nick! Can you tell us a little bit about why you wanted to join the Down Home team?
I first saw the power of Down Home back in June of 2023 at the People’s Action Convention. I was living in Massachusetts and a staff member for a different power-building organization, Neighbor-to-Neighbor, at the time. When I saw the members come out, heard about the chapters’ wins, and felt the contagious excitement from the group, I knew this was an organization I wanted to be a part of once I moved to North Carolina.
What experiences are you are bringing with you into your role that you hope will help guide your work here?
My experience working as an on the ground monitor at a ropes course influences my organizing more directly than I give it credit for. During that time, my communication skills developed the most because I had to talk people 40 feet above me through different obstacles when they were often at their most scared. Organizing requires a similar skill set because you have to talk to folks from all kinds of backgrounds and still ensure they feel supported throughout. Without a doubt, that experience will guide my organizing conversations at Down Home.
What are you most excited about doing in this movement?
I’m most excited about building power in this movement and using that people power to make a change. I remember when I was frustrated that my family had a hard time making ends meet as a kid, but I wasn’t super clear on what the reasons were. I wanted to do something, but I didn’t know where to start. I know there are a lot of folks in that same spot right now and I’m most passionate about bringing those folks into the fold.