This is an opportunity to take federal dollars, actually present a savings to the state of North Carolina, and increase access to healthcare. I’d call that a pretty good trifecta to do those things.”
Tim Moore
Well, if hell hasn’t frozen over! That was House Speaker Tim Moore speaking recently about Medicaid expansion. Dare we say it… we might be nearing the finish line?
The fight to expand Medicaid and get affordable care to 600,000 North Carolinian neighbors at no cost to the state taxpayer has been a long one.
But for more than a decade this mulitracial, working class, people-powered movement has not let up. To move key Republicans into supporting Medicaid expansion after all this time demonstrates our strength, but it’s not THE WIN we so desperately need.
On Valentine’s Day, Down Home members went to Raleigh to remind their legislators to “love thy neighbor” and, once again, remind them how serious Medicaid expansion is for our rural communities. And on February 16, the NC House passed a Medicaid expansion bill!

Next stop: The NC Senate. To move this legislation into law we need to pressure our representatives in the NC Senate to pass this bill and unlock lifesaving care. If we can secure this in the next month, it won’t be a moment too soon.

Get involved!
Medicaid Expansion Statewide Call
Get up-to-date info on where we are in the fight for Medicaid Expansion and learn how you can help!
Thursday, March 2, 7:30 PM
Online! Register here.
Virtual Lobby Training
Want to tell your story to your legislator? Join us to learn how.
Thursday, March 9th, 7:30 PM
Online! Register here.
Can’t make these events but want to plug in? Contact Christine Ashley at [email protected]