For the last month leading up to the 2021 election day, Down Home has been out knocking on thousands of doors and talking to local folks about municipal elections!
Our canvassers engage in deep conversations with people, discussing the reasons why they vote and how the impact of local municipal elections on our everyday lives.
The folks doing this work say it’s very rewarding… and necessary. After her first day out, a canvasser in Alamance County said that she was shocked by how many people wanted to vote but had misinformation about the process. Either people didn’t know where to vote or they thought they needed to bring ID and other documentation to vote — items many people just simply don’t have. Our canvassers eagerly corrected this information and directed people to places they could get more information on the candidates running as well as on their voting rights.
Observations from our canvassers:

“I had the pleasure of speaking with a lovely lady and her granddaughter. Before I could complete knocking on her door, she came around the corner and greeted me saying “Oh yes ma’am I will be voting!” As my smile met hers, her granddaughter said that she is voting (in about 16 years that is lol). The lady went on to tell me that as a black woman, it’s our duty to look out for our community just like our families. She told me that she was so happy to see so many people of color still fighting for change. I couldn’t agree more. Even though many people were not home, just that one conversation makes reaching out to and in the community worthwhile.
“I spoke with a gentleman that was completely fed up with the government and how the political world has taken a toll. He was very concerned about education for his children. I asked him if he wanted them to continue to have hope that we as people would love and have compassion for each other and he said yes. I told him that’s the reason to vote and show our younger generation that we stand up and always will. He agreed and said that he would vote.”

““[I went to] Kannapolis in the Beaumont Park community. My first thought was “I wish that the media could see what my eyes see!” I saw so many beautiful people working together. As I was walking, I could hear them asking their neighbor “Are you ok? How’s your morning been?” When I greeted them, they would ask me if I wanted to come in or wanted coffee or sweet tea! Everyone I spoke to knew that they would vote! If not early, then on election day! They know their neighbors and take pride in their community! Today was an amazing day!”