
8 Tips for Election Day!

Never voted before? Or perhaps with the news breaking something every few minutes, you might find yourself blanking on what you’ll need to take with you to the polls. With all of the information (and disinformation) about voting, there are plenty of us with questions on how to prepare to cast our vote. We’ve got you covered. Here’s what you need to know about Election Day in North Carolina.

  • The polls will be open from 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM. As long as you’re in line by 7:30, you have the right to cast a ballot.
  • You can find your local location and a sample ballot specific to you with the official State Board of Elections’ Voter Search tool.
  • Unless you’re a first time voter that didn’t share their address on their voter registration form, you don’t need to bring ID with you to North Carolina polls.
  • If you are voting by mail and have not returned your ballot yet, you have two options: wait for it to be processed, or vote in person. To be counted by the county board of elections (BOE), mail-in ballots have to be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by November 12th. Unlike early voting sites, you cannot return an absentee ballot to a polling location. We also got an awesome tip from a local Chairman! You can vote on November 3rd even if you have mailed in a ballot, if the mail-in ballot is yet to be processed.  If it arrives after the in-person vote, it will not be opened. Track your ballot here to check.
  • If you show up to vote and your name is not on the voter list, you can request a provisional ballot. About 10 days after an election, you can check the status of your provisional ballot on the State Board of Elections’ website.
  • Expect long lines, and try to get there early if you can. Bring PPE as you need, as strict social distancing guidelines will be adhered to. Aside from a mask and sanitizer, bringing a phone charging bank, water, and snacks can’t hurt.
  • This is a big election, so there may be some troubleshooting needed. When you’re in the voting booth, if you make a mistake, you can ask for another ballot. If the machines are down are your polling place, you can ask for a paper ballot.
  • There are plenty of bad actors trying to take the power of your vote away. Voter intimidation in North Carolina is prohibited by law, so report any violations to an election official immediately. If you see any incidents voter intimidation, call the Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683). Para Español: Si ve intimidación de votantes, llame al 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (1-888-839-8682).