By Bryant Crisp, Alamance County, North Carolina.
I love my county and my state. I was born and raised right here in Alamance County. 43 years…this is all I know. I’ve seen how great this county and state can be, and I’ve seen things I’m not so proud of. Anyone who’s been in a relationship knows that when you love someone or something you have to take the good with the bad. So while I love how most people here are friendly, we have spectacular natural scenery, amazing southern cuisine, and a host of other amenities…I also have to recognize where our county and state must improve if we are ever going to thrive.
In Alamance County and North Carolina for that matter we have residents from many different racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, and in conversation with all the people I’ve talked to I’ve come to find that 90% of us want the same things. The media would have us believe our differences are too vast to come together, but they are not. We all want nice homes, a safe environment to raise our children, the ability to make a living wage to support our families, and schools for our children that have all the resources they need. Most of all we want to live in peace and harmony, and Mark Robinson doesn’t represent harmony at all. That’s why I know he is not our man.
We must do better when it comes to educating our children and keeping them safe. We must protect women’s rights. We must do a better job of protecting black and brown residents from over policing. We must do better with our crumbling infrastructure.We must do better to make sure our LGBTQ community feels connected and heard and not alienated.
None of these things are a priority for Mark Robinson.

If you’re from North Carolina you may have heard the phrase “skin folk ain’t always kinfolk.” That’s what I think of when I think of Mark Robinson. I would love to have our first African-American Governor in our state, but he is not that man. I would love to have a person of integrity to continue Governor Cooper’s work, but he is not that man. I would love to have a governor that would seek to bridge the gap between parties and bring people and lawmakers together, but he is not that man.
Though Mark Robinson and I may share many similar physical characteristics, our ideologies could not be more different. He chose Ace Speedway to make his announcement. Any of us who are from here know what Ace Speedway is and what it represents. The owner openly denied an order not to open during the pandemic and allowed people to have events without wearing masks causing a spike in Covid infections in my home county. This led to a lawsuit and Gov. Cooper shutting the venue down. It’s also not welcoming to all people when I see Confederate flags all around.
Mark Robinson quotes scripture and uses Jesus’ name when it suits him.The last time I checked the Bible it said “love thy neighbor?” Mark Robinson is a walking contradiction. He says he’s pro life, but years ago he forced his then fiancee and now wife to have an abortion. He was also quoted as saying “God formed me to fight LGBTQ issues.” But in the Bible I read it says in Genesis 1:26 “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” which means ALL people are of God. He doesn’t represent me. He doesn’t represent Alamance County. And he shouldn’t represent NC as governor. He is not our man!
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