By Amy Deese, Cabarrus County
Today was a very enjoyable day! I was able to speak with several voters, but one completely stuck out to me. I spoke with a very intelligent African American gentleman in the Harrisburg area.
As I asked him what motivates him to vote, as well as what he cares about the most, he said women of color, and their offspring. He went on to say that he was raised by a single mother and was able to achieve what most men of color in this day and age won’t.
When I asked him to elaborate, he said that even though he has never been married nor had children, his taxes help his community. His education helps keep his employees paid and provide insurance for their families needs. He told me that he cares about all issues from healthcare to the daycare.
He also pointed out that the education of our youth depends on the government. he said that they should pay the teachers a great salary because if the teachers don’t care how and why should the students. I completely agreed with him! It does take a village to raise our children, and give them not only something to believe in, but to aspire to be.
All of the issues that will be a part of our primary election affect us all. We might can’t change the world alone, but we can all cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

2022 Canvassing
"Conversations are what work"
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