
Why Keshia Sandidge is the right choice for Cabarrus County School Board

Here at Down Home Cabarrus County, we want to take a moment to discuss why our members have voted to endorse Keshia. 

Keshia is a mother of a child who attends our county’s public school system.  She knows firsthand the importance of schools to the community as each day she witnesses how tirelessly teachers and educational support staff work to support our children. They work to provide our children with the best education possible as well as a safe and nurturing environment. However, after years of schools being underfunded and education devalued, they often do this work against all odds. 

But Keshia knows as well that helping a child navigate the school system is not always easy.  This is why she wants to help bring transparency to the schools and help to improve school communications.  She says her goals will best be achieved if all parents and all teachers are given a voice on the school board to express their needs and opinions. 

Keshia’s platform includes more than parents and teachers; it is admirably inclusive. She argues that everyone involved in education should be heard: children, teachers, office staff, bus drivers, janitors, and nutrition workers. For Keshia, it is clear that all individuals who contribute to and participate in the school environment deserve consideration and guaranteed protections. 

Keshia knows that strong schools make strong communities. That is why our members will be voting on November 3rd for Keshia Sandidge for Cabarrus County School Board. 

What’s more, at Down Home Cabarrus County we are dedicated to getting the word out about Keshia and we hope you will help us mobilize our community to vote for her!  We also have endorsed other local candidates and welcome your support for them as well.  

Join Down Home’s Relational Voter Turnout Project and we will give you all the tips, tools, and tech you need to get out the vote this November. 

Get started by signing up for a Relational Organizing event online.